mercredi 5 janvier 2011

The new year

Well, it didn't start on the right note.  I haven't done anything in the writing department.  Found 3 more ideas though, but what good does it do if I don't finish any of them.  The ideas are for diffent books.

The Hollidays are finaly over (thank God!).  We tood down all the decorations, except the ones outside (my husband's job).

The kids are going back to school tomorrow, so I will be able to do some work (quiet time;  it's been a while ...).  We had many kids at home during the Holidays.

Read many books (my favorite gifts).  The wish by Gail Carson Levine,  White cat by Holly Black and Reckless by Cornelia Funke, which is one of my favorite author.  They were all good.  I love fantasy stories, and I don't mind reading material aimed at a younger audience.  As you can see, these books can all be found at the young readers' section at the library.  I will start Tithe and Valiant soon, both from Holly Black.

I'm a huge fan of Agatha Christie, and it was my goal to write something like her, but I realised that I don't have her gift (to put it mildly) and  furthermore, I don't like violence.  I always thought I would write a who-done-it kind of novel, but I don't think so.  Not in a near future anyway.  I still love to read them, but I find that there's too much violence nowadays, to my taste anyway.

One of my kid just went to a friend's house, so it will be quieter.  I'll try to get some work done.

1 commentaire:

  1. At last, some of us are waiting you know...;-)I'm joking of course!! Still, can't wait to see you START!!!! Go Go!!! (doing my cheerleader routine here)
