jeudi 16 décembre 2010

Bringing a character to life

Well, I'm still writing.  Even I'm amazed by it.

Continuing with the book, I'm suppose to do just that:  bringing a character to life.  I'm suppose to bring conflict between characters.  I really don't know how to do that.

Read the chapter again (I read it as I do the blog;  not the best way to do it!!!)

Astrid is a teenager, so conflict is her life right now.  Perfect.  Her brother Barnaby is fourteen, so he's also conflicted.  I know it's not what the author had in mind, but for a beginning, that will do.

Prunella and Arthur Moreton are the maternal grand-parents.  They are as dissmilar as can be.  She's a bit extravagant and he's donw-to-earth boring.  I did great without knowing it.  I read the book before, but I didn't remember much about it.

mercredi 15 décembre 2010

birthday boy

I should've known.  My first instinct was to start writing after the Holidays, like the new year's resolution.

 We're all healthy now, but I'm too busy.  Monday, I had to go with my husband for a medical appointment.  Tuesday, I volunteer at my kids' school, and this coming week-end is my kids' birthday.  It will be the first time that I'm having kids in the house.  Usually, we're having family only, but this year, we're having two parties on the same day.  So this week, I'm planning every thing, not to mention making the teacher's Xmas gifts (baking).  Christmas rush.

On a sad note, my cat has met her sister yesterday.  I took both cats fifteen years ago because the owners wanted them to be together (probably wanted to get rid of them all).  The sister was put to sleep three years ago, but my beloved one was put to sleep yesterday.  It's hard.  My husband doesn't want more cats (allergies in his family, not to mention that he doesn't like pets).  Hoping that the kids might help him change his mind on the matter.  There's many cats for free out there ...  Thinking of you, Anik.  You went through the same thing last week.  We knew it was coming ....

Well, now meet Astrid Standish.  She's 18 years old, blue eyes and long brown hair.  Her eyes change colors, depending on her moods (blue, grey, green).She's rather tall, slim and she's active (jogging and yoga, wich she practices with father and mother, respectively).  She will have a car accident at the beginning of the story that will change her life forever.  How's that for an heroin?

samedi 11 décembre 2010

how to write a damn good novel

It's been a tough week.  The kids've been sick, and the parents followed.  My hubby is still out of it, so we're back in the basement, trying to allow him to get some rest.  Yeah right!  With 3 noisy kids, how don't know how he's going to achieve that, even with ears plugs.

I've finish my main character's biography.  I know I'll have to work on some others eventually (I see them, but they will be further in the story, so they can wait), but they all have shapes and names.

Will try to have more discipline next week (said that before!).  Hopefully, everybody will be healthy by then.

dimanche 5 décembre 2010

How to write a damn good novel

It's Sunday and the house is full of kids.  Again.  They live on the same streets.  It's very difficult to concentrate.

Not been doing much writing, but I thought a lot about it.  Already know how I will start the story, which surprised me very much;  usually, that's one of the hardest thing.  The story is taking shape.  I will try to write the character's biography (if the kids don't annoy me too much!!!).

vendredi 3 décembre 2010

How to write a damn good novel

I knew this would happen.  But  I thought that by writing a blog, I would have more discipline.  Wrong!

I confess, I didn't even work on it this week.  I thought about the story though (even thought of a new one.  I hate when this happens.  I need to finish one, not to start a dozen)

The story has been in my mind for quite some time.  I had it after reading a french novel: Les filles de Lune.  She created a new world, which I don't want to do (I'm a simple person).  I realize that I would need a very good story to make it interesting (because it is simple, in our world).

The characters have shapes, but no biographies yet.  Will work on that next week (I promise, Anik!!!)